Frequently Asked Questions Getting to know Dr. Wilkie and his team What is urinary incontinence? What is prolapse? Before your surgery About your surgery After your surgery What to expect What can I do to prevent prolapse? Other questions you may have How to find us How long has Dr. Wilkie been in practice? How much experience does Dr. Wilkie have? How many procedures has Dr. Wilkie performed? Why do I leak when I cough, sneeze, laugh or run? Why am I always rushing to the bathroom? I do Kegel exercises all the time but I still leak. Am I doing something wrong? I can’t exercise without leaking. What can I do? What is functional incontinence? What causes uterine and vaginal prolapse? Who gets uterine or vaginal prolapse? How common is uterine and vaginal prolapse? How is uterine and vaginal prolapse diagnosed? How is uterine and vaginal prolapse treated? What tests and preparation should I have before surgery? What medications should be stopped before surgery? Where will my surgery be performed? What should I do on the day of surgery? How long will my recovery time be? What can I do to help recovery? What should I expect following my surgery? What should I expect when I get to the office? How will I know if I need surgery? Can prolapse be prevented? What are the proper techniques for lifting? Why am I always rushing to the bathroom? Why do I leak when I cough, sneeze, laugh or run? What is functional incontinence? How to find us